Sunday, February 4, 2007

Bush, Dems Work Together to Kill Iraqis, Iranians

By Kurt Nimmo

"“President Bush made a conciliatory political pilgrimage Saturday to an annual gathering full of newly empowered House Democrats and urged bipartisan action on a host of issues that could determine the success or failure of his last two years in the White House,” reports the San Francisco Chronicle. “Bush’s 19-minute speech before about 175 members of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House caucus was received cordially and respectfully, if not enthusiastically.”

It is a “political pilgrimage” that sends an incisive, unambiguous message: Bush’s neocons will work with the Democrats, not only on “U.S. energy self-sufficiency, global warming, economic competitiveness and immigration,” but also on the mass murder “surge” in Iraq and, soon enough, Iran....."

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