Saturday, February 3, 2007

Fatah retracts fabricated report on Iranians in Gaza

"Gaza - Feeling the heat of the popular disgruntlement over the storming and burning of the Islamic University at the hands of the PA presidential guards Friday, Fatah faction retracted the story it had fabricated on Iranian presence in the University to justify the heinous attack.

PA presidential guards and Fatah faction alleged that they arrested seven Iranian officers in the attack on the University and that an eighth had committed suicide.

Azzam Al-Ahmed, the head of Fatah bloc in the Palestinian legislator alleged, “No official statement from Fatah or the office of the PA chief had mentioned the presence of the Iranians”, and described the news as mere “rumors”.

Ahmed’s statement reflects the volume of confusion amidst the mutiny trend in Fatah faction.

Meanwhile, Hamas Movement urged its cadres and the Palestinian public to defend local mosques and worshippers in Gaza Strip at all costs.

Elements of the mutiny trend stormed a number of local mosques and shelled others, killing and wounding tens of worshippers over the past few days, including the massacre of Al-Hedaya Mosque last week that disgusted the Palestinian public.

“Hamas along with Islamic and national factions in the Palestinian arena will relentlessly block those mischievous groups, and will stand up for the defense of the mosques at all costs”, a statement issued by the Movement and a copy of which was faxed to the PIC affirmed.

A number of mosques in Khan Younis district, south of Gaza Strip, were attacked by those hooligans, killing a number of pious Palestinian citizens who attempted to block them.

In a related matter, Palestinian citizen Khaled Al-Najjar, a cadre of the executive force of the PA interior ministry, was kidnapped and tortured at the hands of the PA security forces loyal to Abbas. He is reportedly detained and interrogated in one of those forces’ headquarters in Gaza.

In Nablus city, Fatah vandals calling themselves “Fatah executive force” kidnapped Palestinian citizen Fayez Al-Bishtawi, 30, Saturday noon. Bishtawi owns a computer store in the city."

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