Monday, February 26, 2007

Follow Mr. Death to Know the Plan

Cheney holds talks with Oman

US Vice-President Dick Cheney arrived in Oman today and held talks with officials from the US-allied Gulf Arab state.

"An Omani newspaper said earlier today that Mr Cheney was expected to discuss Iraq and Iran's nuclear program.

A US embassy official in the capital Muscat declined to comment on the visit. Mr Cheney has been in Asia and this stopover had not been previously announced as part of his itinerary.

There was no immediate comment from the White House.

Mr Cheney said yesterday Iran's atomic ambitions must be curbed, adding that "all options" were on the table.

Gulf Arab states, including Oman, the northern tip of which faces Iran over the Strait of Hormuz, have expressed concern over Iran's nuclear program, which Tehran describes as peaceful although the West suspects it is trying to make nuclear weapons.

The United States has stepped up pressure on Iran by slapping sanctions on two big Iranian banks and three firms.

It has also deployed a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf with supporting warships, a move widely seen as a warning to Iran.

Washington insists it wants a diplomatic solution and does not want war, but has not ruled out force if necessary.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday Iran had no brake or reverse gear in its nuclear program.

Tehran says Washington is in no position to attack when its troops are bogged down in Iraq but says it is ready in any case.

Mr Cheney arrived in Muscat after a visit to Asia-Pacific Iraq war allies Japan and Australia. His plane underwent minor repairs during a stopover in Singapore yesterday."


It should be added that Oman, the UAE and Qatar have given permission to the Israeli airforce to cross their airspace in order to bomb Iranian targets.

All the pieces are falling in place and the attack is around the corner. Just keep your eyes on Mr. Death.

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