Friday, February 9, 2007

Hamas Has Let The Palestinians Down

By Tony Sayegh

When the Palestinians voted for Hamas they voted for a change of course on three fronts: Corruption and financial thievery, resistance and the endless "negotiations" under the Oslo fiasco.

Examining the announced make up of the "unity" government and the fact that it is no longer a Hamas government, make it clear that Hamas, by agreeing to be a part of this FAMAS "government", is failing to live up to what the Palestinians who voted for Hamas were hoping for.

On the financial front the same "White House darling" and World Bank favorite, Salam Fayyad, will hold the key financial reins as finance minister, just as before. The corruption file which Hamas promised to open and the prosecution of all those Palestinian officials (associates of Fayyad) who stole and embezzled millions are issues that are not being discussed now, let alone pursued.

On the Oslo merry-go-round of endless and useless "negotiations" the "new government" is authorizing Abbas to continue with the charade, and nothing will change. So the endless circular path in the "road map" of the Oslo wilderness will be adhered to. The foreign minister is another darling of the Americans, so it would not be a great secret to know what policies he will pursue.

On the resistance front, instead of concentrating on it and escalating it, Hamas is now honoring a self-imposed and a unilateral ceasefire. In addition, thousands of Hamas fighters, instead of being underground and involved in resistance, were brought out in public as part of the so-called Executive Force. This force will now be merged in the PA "security forces" under a minister of the interior who is not from Hamas. Is this not partially, and peacefully, eliminating the "infrastructure of terror" as Usrael calls it? Is this not meeting one of the demands of the Quartet? Of course the "new government" will continue to recieve arms and training from the U.S. to control the Palestinian street.

So what is left? Haniyyah acting as a buffoon cheerleader who could not praise the rotten Saudi king enough? And when he gets tired of cheerleading, perhaps his deputy, who is none other than Mohammad Pinochet Dahlan, can be sent to Washington and Tel Aviv to tell them in private what Haniyyah can't say in public.

What a shame and a fiasco. It would have been much more honorable for Hamas to quit this monstrosity of a government and concentrate on resistance instead, rather than be part of a quisling "government" which is just as corrupt and defeatist as before. Those who urged Hamas not to participate in the elections and not to enter the Oslo stable were right all along.

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