Friday, February 9, 2007

Hezbollah unveils Israeli plot to create buffer zone in south Lebanon in collusion with UN

"Al-Manar special report – Mohamad Kazan – Translation/

Member of the Loyalty to the Resistance Parliamentary Bloc MP Hasan Fadlallah, unveiled an Israeli plot to create a buffer zone in south Lebanon in collusion with the United Nations. In a press conference, MP Fadlallah also renewed Hezbollah's demand to redeem the arms which were confiscated by security forces, according to the Ministerial Statement which recognizes the right to resist. MP Fadlallah said that Israel is seeking to create the buffer zone after it failed in its July war against Lebanon.

He added that a letter was sent from the head of the unconstitutional government Fouad Saniora to the United Nations, requesting a new and unilateral delineation of the border, knowing that the most recent delineation was made only four years ago. MP Fadlallah showed maps and pictures showing the extent of Israel's incursion, in collusion with the UNIFIL, into more than a southern village like Rmeish, Yaroun and Aytaroun in Bint Jbeil. He demanded these unilateral measures be immediately stopped and called on authorities to eliminate transgressions and return properties to their owners. The Hezbollah MP held the ruling bloc responsible for manipulating the border and neglecting the right of the Lebanese. "

Israel welcomes Saniora's govt. seizure of resistance arms shipment; says it's a positive turn for Israel

"Al-Manar special report – Hasan Hijazi – Translated/

Israel welcomed the announcement by the unconstitutional government of Fouad Saniora, of seizing an arms' shipment intended for the Islamic Resistance. Israeli radio broadcast the news and said that this indicated a new an d positive turn for Israel's benefit. Israeli analysts and commentators quoted senior Israeli officials as saying that they hope Saniora's government would disarm the resistance since Israel's military failed to do so during the war last July. Israeli officials also exploited the seizure of the shipment and the way pro-government media dealt with the issue, to confirm their claims that arms are still flowing from Syria into Lebanon, thus using this as a pretext to continue Israeli violation of the Lebanese airspace. Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz also signaled Israel might as well launch military operations against the resistance, under the pretext of fighting arms smuggling. Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot linked between the seizure of arms shipment and the US supply of 60 multi-functional vehicles to Lebanese security forces to help Saniora's government in fighting Hezbollah's attempts to smuggle arms."

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