Sunday, February 11, 2007

Iran Dossier: More Brothers Grimm Nonsense

By Kurt Nimmo

".....In fact, the Bush administration is not “haunted by the history of intelligence blunders,” as there was no blundering, or for that matter intelligence, but simply a series of calculated lies and fabrications, designed to pave the way for the invasion of Iraq. As should be obvious, the “Bush administration,” or rather the unelected neocons, are plotting for a repeat in Iran.

“After weeks of preparation and revisions, U.S. officials are preparing to detail evidence supporting administration’s claims of Iran’s meddlesome and deadly activities. A briefing was scheduled Sunday in Baghdad.”

Translation: the neocons jumped the gun, they need more time to tweak their fairy tale about Iran providing assistance to their enemies, the Sunni resistance, comprised in large part of former Ba’athists, who invaded Iran and fought a bloody war (over a million people killed)—admittedly a large pill to swallow, but then the American people, and even most members of Congress, are accustomed to swallowing large pills. Soon enough, we will see this latest neocon scam in all its putrid glory, plastered all over newspapers, the internet, and on Fox News. Millions will mindlessly parrot the official line and demand Iran be reduced to a glass parking lot......."

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