Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jumblatt seeks US military aid against Hezbollah

Al-Manar special report / Translated

"The head of the Democratic Gathering, Lebanese MP Walid Jumblatt continues his tour of US senior officials, on top of which is President George W. Bush. Jumblatt had "accidentally" met Bush for half an hour at the residence of US National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, accompanied by Telecommunication Minister Marwan Hmedeh and former MP Ghattas Khouri. Jumblatt made no statement at the end of the meeting. The Key February 14 figure also met former American Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and said in a lecture at the "American Enterprise" Institute that his visit to the US is to ask for political and military assistance against what he described as an indirect Syrian occupation of Lebanon, accusing Hezbollah of spearheading the Syrian influence in the country. For his part, Mahmoud Qomati of Hezbollah's political council said that any reply to Jumblatt would be futile. Speaking to the Lebanese News Agency, Qomati said that Jumblatt has sold his soul to the devil and undermined the effect of the Druz MP's position on the ongoing efforts to solve the political crisis in Lebanon."

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