Sunday, February 18, 2007

More Waffling From Hamas

Hamad: USA has to change its policy

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Ghazi Hamad, the PA government spokesman, has affirmed that the new national unity government would never pose as obstacle before PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' political moves.

He urged the USA, in an interview with the BBC on Sunday morning, to change its policy towards Palestinian developments.

Hamad said that the PLO recognized Israel and is committed to agreements signed with it but the Palestinian government should not necessarily recognize Israel or abide by those agreements.[playing games with words]

The spokesman affirmed that the new government would comprised of most of the political spectrums in the Palestinian arena.

For his part, Dr. Mustafa Al-Barghouthi, the leader of the Palestinian national Mubadara (initiative), said in a press release on Sunday that the American administration would be committing a big mistake if it decided to boycott the new national unity government.

Barghouthi, who is expected to participate in the new government, said, "We have strenuously worked over the past few months to ensure success of this idea"."


The U.S. has now been put on notice! Condoleezza must be trembling.

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