Thursday, February 8, 2007

Statement by Dr. Salam Fayyad at the Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference

January 24th, 2007

This is the man who was the finance minister in the previous, corrupt PA government. Hundreds of millions of donated dollars were stolen while he was carrying out the "reforms" Washington insisted on. Apparently, upon the insistence of the Saudis, Washington and the World Bank, he will be the,....., yes you guessed it, the finance minister in the new and improved "unity" government. Let the celebrations begin!

".....There is no question that there will be stability when the Palestinians are given their freedom. The vision that has been laid out by President Bush and embraced by President Abbas is that of peaceful coexistence......

These are matters that are of concern to Israel. But more importantly, I want to spell out a vision of peace with Israel. I seek a warm peace with Israel. I don’t want it so warm that you are in our backyard as you are now, but I seek a warmpeace. I seek strong political ties with Israel; I seek strong economic ties between the independent states of Israel and Palestine .I seek warm relations with Israelis. Yes, we seek warm relations with you. We do not want to simplyget to a point where we just accept each other – we want to have warm relations where we both recognize the mutual economic, political, intellectual and spiritualbenefits of living and working together. We do not want to erect walls; we want to see bridges. We do not want to close you out of our lives – we want to live with you – as your neighbors and as your equals.

At heart, I am an optimist. Why? How? After so much effort from all parties and after such spectacular failure, many question how I can persist in my optimism. The answer lies in the fact that I know that there is a great deal of depth of goodwill on both sides, and on the part of the international community...."

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