Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Union of Oppressors

A Good Article
Contributed by Lucia

By Dr. Salim Nazzal

"Two American meetings in the Middle East, one to agitate, the other to decorate!

Birds of a feather flock together is perhaps the best proverb to describe USA and its friends and allies and in the Middle East, and clearly visible in Rice’s late visit to the Middle East. This opens up the question about the goals of Secretary Rice hoped to reach, in meeting unpopular, if not hated Arab intelligence officers. Also if we apply the saying that says tell me who your friends and I will tell you who you are, we would come to the conclusion that the best friends to the United States is the Israeli apartheid regime and the Arab oppressive regimes. This can easily be seen: America is the oppressor on the global level, the apartheid regime of Israel is the oppressor on the regional level, and the Arab regimes are oppressing their peoples on the local level.

Then, one becomes less surprised to see that the harmony between these three circles is like harmony between the form and the content to use the language of ancient Muslims logicians. This has made some Arabs such as the Lebanese political writer Talal Salman wonder whether the USA will spread democracy with the help of Arab security leaders after it has attempted to spread it in Iraq by the help of the apache and machine guns. While the Palestinian political writer Abd al Bari Atwan observes that the usual thing is that foreign ministers meet and discuss political questions. But when the secretary of the state represents a country various public polls shows that it is hated by most Arabs due to its support of Israel and its occupation to Iraq, meets Arab intelligence leaders known for their ugly records on human rights, the natural question is why the American state secretary meet Arab officers to discuss a political question such as the Palestinian question.

The answer to this does not require thinking about .The Usa looks at the Palestinian question as a security question and not as a question of a nation that seeks to rid it self from occupation. This explains why the American position towards the question of the Palestinian national government has been almost the same position of Israel......"

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