Monday, February 26, 2007

We are accused of terrorism

By Nizar Kabbani

"......We are accused of terrorism
If we refuse death…
By the bulldozers of "Israel"…
Digging in our soil…
Our history…Our Gospels…
Our Qur’an…
The remnants of our prophets…
If this is our crime
How beautiful is terrorism…

We are accused of terrorism
If we refuse our extinction…
By Mongols… Zionists… Barbarians…
If we throw a stone on a window of the Security Council…
Seized by the Czars of our time…

We are accused of terrorism
If we refuse to…
Extend our hand to…
Against human cultures…
Which is without a culture…
Against human civilization…
Which is without a civilization…
America is a gigantic building…
Without walls…......."

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