Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why Hezbollah poses serious threat on US after Qaeda?

"Al-Manar special report – Rabab Shamas – Translated /
The new American strategy says that Hezbollah poses most serious threat on US security after Al-Qaeda. This is what US intelligence chief Michael said on Tuesday, while delivering his assessment in an appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee. McConnell was reiterating comments made by US President George W. Bush in his most recent State of the Union address, in which he said that the Americans are facing an escalating threat from whom he call "aggressive Shiite fundamentalists" and added that Hezbollah comes second after Al-Qaeda. This points to an American campaign being launched against Hezbollah suggesting the party has become a direct target for the US under the so called war on terror. It also raises questions about Washington's attempt to directly target Hezbollah after extracting legitimacy from Americans. A series of information, the last of which was reported by the London based "Daily Telegraph" quoting sources from the Congress and US intelligence saying that Bush has authorized operations against Hezbollah under a secret plan, under the pretext of supporting the unconstitutional government of Fouad Saniora."

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