Thursday, February 15, 2007

Will UNIFIL spy on Hezbollah for Israeli benefit?

"Al-Manar special report – Ahmad Ammar – Translated/

Will the United Nations Interim Forces in south Lebanon (UNIFIL) become a spying force on the resistance for Israel? It is a question that will be legitimate to ask in case what Israeli daily Maariv proved right. The daily has quoted Israeli military sources as saying that the French contingent in the UNIFIL are making reconnaissance flights to gather information about Hezbollah in south Lebanon. The Israeli sources further told Maariv that despite the low profile maintained by Hezbollah members while moving in the south, the French planes are succeeding in forming a more general picture about the situation than the Israelis. Worth mentioning that previous Israeli information underscored a UNIFIL intention to gather information about Hezbollah's activity in south Lebanon, through reconnaissance flights, and supply Israel with them. Maariv pointed that the Israeli security institution has expressed satisfaction as to the UNIFIL's activity in south Lebanon. Even though Israeli military sources said that Israel has reduced its reconnaissance flights over Lebanon due to what the UNIFIL is doing to stop what it called terrorism, Israel said it will not entirely cut down its overflights. "What the UNIFIL is doing is good but we have to depend on ourselves," a military source told Maariv."

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