Sunday, March 18, 2007

Abbas passes first two decrees of national unity government

"Gaza - Ma'an - The spokesperson of the Palestinian presidency, Nabil Abu Rdainah, announced on Sunday that president Mahmoud Abbas has endorsed two decrees: to reestablish the Security Council and appoint Muhammad Dahlan as the president's national security advisor.

With regards to the first meeting of the unity government, which was held in Gaza City on Sunday, headed by president Abbas, Abu Rdainah said that "the Israeli refusal to cooperate with the unity government is absolutely unacceptable; the Israeli government has to respect the Palestinian choice."

He told the press that "this is an opportunity to achieve peace, safety and stability. If the Israeli government is seriously interested in peace, they have to cooperate with this unity government which has an elected president who is authorized to negotiate with the Israelis."

Abu Rdainah depicted the first meeting of the unity government as positive and reflecting the post-Mecca atmosphere of hope. "


"Dahlan as the president's national security advisor"....
Now that deserves special celebrations!

Let us see: Finances controlled by a U.S. and World Bank Mafia don and who was dictated by Saudi Arabia; "national security" controlled by a CIA asset and a Mossad agent. What could be a greater Palestinian achievement than this! Great hopes are riding on this "unity government," indeed.

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