Saturday, March 31, 2007

Ah.....One More Arab Population Enjoying U.S.- Imposed Peace

Civilian deaths mount in Mogadishu

Earlier on Friday, armed groups shot down an Ethiopian helicopter [Reuters]

"Violence has continued in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, for a third day, in what the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has called "the worst fighting in more than 15 years".

Corpses lay in the streets on Saturday, as ongoing fighting and mortar fire made it difficult to retrieve bodies or tally the dead.

Residents said hundreds were believed to have been killed across the city of one million people.

"We don't know where to go. We are trapped in our houses and dead bodies are lying in the street," AFP reported Ibrahim Duale, a resident in the southern Ali Kamin area, as saying.

"There is no chance of taking the wounded and dead people because of the heavy artillery and anti-aircraft weapons," he said.

Salado Yebarow, another Mogadishu resident, was reported by Reuters as saying: "I have been here 16 years and never seen anything like this.

"The whole city is being shelled indiscriminately," she said.......

Meanwhile, on Saturday, an international rights organisation has accused the governments of Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and the US of secretly detaining hundreds of people fleeing the conflict in Somalia.

"Each of these governments has played a shameful role in mistreating people fleeing a war zone," said Georgette Gagnon, deputy Africa director for Human Rights Watch (HRW).

"Dozens of people have effectively disappeared into Ethiopian detention facilities," said Gagnon. "It's imperative that the Ethiopians acknowledge the people they are holding and permit independent international access to them.""


It was noticeable that during their summit a few days ago, the Arab puppets did not say one word about Somalia. These were the instructions of their master, Condoleezza Rice, since the U.S. with its Ethiopian stooges is responsible for this latest invasion and occupation of yet another Arab country.

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