Saturday, March 24, 2007

Following the Footsteps of Fatah: Relationship between Hamas and US set to improve as US official plans secret talks with Haniyeh during Rice visit

"Bethlehem - Ma'an - Palestinian informed source revealed that "the relationship between Hamas and the United States administration will see a positive development in the coming days".

The sources stated that many Arab countries are making great efforts in this regard and that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is leading this move.

The United Arab Emirates newspaper al Bayan reported the sources as saying that Riyadh has succeeded in opening a channel of high-level communication between Hamas and the United States administration.

The newspaper confirmed "an official will accompany Condoleezza Rice in her visit to the region, he will be visiting the Gaza Strip and meet secretly with Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and hold a dialogue with him at the same time as Rice is in Israel." "


Habila is Condoleezza and KSA's man; rejoice!

As they say, with memories of Arafat doing exactly the same, it is deja vu all over again. So what? The Palestinians have lost only 20 years and half the West Bank playing these games. Now Hamas will spend the next 20 years doing the same until the rest of the W. B. is gone. Celebrate this unity and please cheer Condoleezza, since she is "our friend" now.

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