Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hammad grilled over calls to resume security coordination with Israel

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Nemr Hammad, the political advisor of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas was grilled over unwarranted calls to resume security coordination between the PA security apparatuses and Israel.

The spokesman of Hamas in Gaza Strip Fawzi Barhoum deprecated Hammad’s invitation, adding that the call means destroying the infrastructure of the Palestinian resistance factions, and assassinating and arresting more Palestinian leaders.

These are serious statements with the aim to provide the Israeli intelligence apparatuses information on the whereabouts of the Palestinian resistance leaders”, Barhoum underlined.

He even urged the PLC to question Hammad, and to prosecute him if found guilty.

The Islamic Jihad, another influential Palestinian resistance faction, urged the immediate ouster of Hammad from his position, describing his invitation as “irresponsible and unpatriotic”.

According to Khaled Al-Batesh, one of the Islamic Jihad senior political leaders, “Hammad’s statements permit the IOF troops to continue killing more Palestinian people and demolishing more Palestinian homes”.

In statements he made to the Hebrew radio, Hammad championed the resumption of security coordination between PA and Israeli security apparatuses through the office of the PA chief.

According to the Hebrew radio, Hammad also urged Israel’s security apparatuses to furnish Abbas’ office with information on Palestinian resistance cells so as to enable PA security apparatuses attached to Abbas’ office thwart their activities.

In the past, the successive Fatah-led PA governments maintained security coordination with Israel, which killed tens of senior leaders of Palestinians resistance factions.

However, upon the arrival of Hamas to governance last year after wining the legislative elections, such coordination was totally terminated, sparing lives of Palestinian resistance’ leaders and cadres."


Celebrate "Palestinian unity" and the PA-Israeli "security coordination," now!

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