Sunday, March 4, 2007

Is the Middle East heading towards a state of Chaos?

By Salim Nazzal

"Since publishing the Sunday times report in January 2007 that Israel is training two squads of planes to attack Iran the reports about attacking Iran whether from the USA or Israel or both has been intensified in the later period. In the view of Chomsky the American Israeli war on Lebanon last July 2006 is part of the American policy "to wipe out the deterrent so as to free up the United States and Israel for an eventual attack on Iran". .

Some reports linked between the late Rice visit to the region and the preparation towards striking Iran nuclear facilities a matter that has not been neither confirmed nor denied by Washington and Israel. But the language spoken in both states indicates that this question has not been far from the thinking.

However the last report that Israel got the permission of three Arab countries to use its air space to attack Iran is casting more light not only on the intention of Israel which has never been unknown but confirming the Israeli policy to "integrate" in the region through playing on the sectarian differences which is an old Israeli policy, according to Ina'am Ra'ad the late secretary of the Syrian party: "The diary of Moshe Sharette revealed the correspondence amongst the three Israeli statesmen, David Ben Gorion Moshe Sharette and Eliaho Sasson in February and March 1954, as to the splitting of Lebanon and the whole area into sectarian homelands, which were to emerge in the event of a civil war and turmoil"......

The "new" American approach has become based on who support its policy and who does not which confirmed the suspicion of the Arab democratic forces that the Us has not made a break with its historical policy which was based on supporting the oppressive regimes which serve the Us interests. On that base the Us has coined the terms (the moderate Arab countries!) vis avis (the extreme Arab countries!) to differentiate between those countries which accept its policy and who are not. This policy goes in harmony with the American/Israeli deconstruction policy to divide the region between moderates and extremes, as if demanding the rights of the Palestinians as formulated by the united nation resolutions 224,181 and 194 has become an extreme position while the silence on the Israeli daily violations in Palestine is moderation. The American political writer Seymour Hersh refers to the change in the American policy towards adopting the policy of playing off the sectarian differences in the so called (redirection) policy of the United States in its efforts to isolate and probably attack Iran......

Obviously, the USA has become near to the Israeli position in the question of playing off the sectarian elements, and in adopting the policy of encouraging all sorts of divisions with the aim to weaken the forces which resist the American and the Israeli domination projects in the region. Nevertheless, apart from the question of the credibility of (the airspace permission report) which was denied by the secretary general of the Arab league the point is that it consolidates earlier analysis that deconstructing the region is the title which summarized the Israeli policy since the times of Ben Gorion is being adopted by the Bush administration. However the Arab secretary general denial does not free Arab leaders from taking a strong position against any possible attack against Iran. Arab leaders need to remember that their position in supporting the American invasion to Iraq has aided the Us and Israel to play on the sectarian divisions in the region which threatening the integration and the stability of each Arab country......"

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