Friday, March 30, 2007

Palestinian Authority 'irresponsible' in handling of sewage disaster

"Gaza - ma'an – Although the environmental disaster that occurred three days ago in the Gaza Strip was expected, the Palestinian Authority did nothing to prevent it according to the citizens of the village of Um Nasser.

The bursting of a cesspit near the village destroyed most of the houses in Um Nasser with floods of sewage water.....

The villagers said that they will never forget the disaster and insisted that this terrible accident is never repeated.

They called on the PA to find a suitable solution to the problem and appealed to officials to solve them problem of the families who are now living outdoors.

They also urged the PA to compensate them for their losses.

The villagers insisted that the PA officials are not paying enough attention to the crisis and some accused the PA of lying about the incident.

Other villagers said that they have contacted the PA officials but none of them have visited the scene of the disaster.

The villagers accused the PA of not warning the local citizens of the dangers in the area. "


Silly villagers: Don't you know that the PA with its "president" and "prime minister" has more important things to attend to than your sewage and your lives? There are new suits and ties for Habila to try on. There are jet flights not to miss. There are summit meetings to appear in. There are countless dignitaries to meet and numerous cameras to pose for. There are countless fake smiles that our "leaders" valiantly and readily produce for anyone who pays them attention. There are press conferences to appear in and useless and worn out statements to make.

And for heaven's sake don’t you dare embarrass our "leadership" while enjoying the company of the rich and powerful Arab "leaders" in the gold-trimmed palaces in Saudi Arabia. How dare you scream in anguish about your loss and your dead! This is not the PA's business. Its business is not your security and well being but that of Israel. For the latter millions and millions of dollars are spent and thousands are selected and trained by the best American trainers.

So, to paraphrase a crude Arabic expression, you better shut up and eat sewage.

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