Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Pentagon plays war games with Iran

Leaked reports of a recent Pentagon meeting only add to the mounting evidence that the US is preparing to attack Iran. In this context the recent "surge" of US troops is not meant to pacify Baghdad but to contain Iraqi Shi'ite fury in response to air strikes on Iran. George W Bush doesn't want to have to go to Syria and Iran and "ask for anything.

By Gareth Porter
Asia Times

"WASHINGTON - Two weeks ago, Pentagon officials discussed a strategy to escalate US pressure on Iran with the intention of creating the impression that the United States is ready to go to war, according to an account by one of the participants.

A meeting at the Pentagon in mid-February was said by a participant to have revolved around a plan to ratchet up US rhetoric about an Iranian threat and make further military preparations for war in a way that would be reminiscent of what happened prior to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. The account was described by a source outside the Pentagon who obtained it directly from the participant.

The description of Pentagon thinking suggests a strategy that is much more aggressive than the line represented by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's announcement on Tuesday that the United States would participate in direct talks with Iran in the context of a conference to be convened by the Iraqi government......"

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