Sunday, March 11, 2007

Shalit may be released within days, Abbas says

Abbas tells Olmert kidnapped soldier could be released before unity gov't is established this week
Celebrate, now!

"The Palestinians are exerting every effort to free kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit as soon as possible, and the release may take place before the Palestinian unity government is established this week, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday evening.

Olmert demanded that the kidnapped soldier would be released immediately and without any conditions. He also demanded that the Palestinians stop firing Qassam rockets at Israel and smuggling weapons into the Gaza Strip.....

The two leaders agreed to continue holding summits on a regular basis. The meetings will deal with defense issues, the war on terror and the Palestinians' humanitarian needs......

Aides to Abbas said that they understood from Olmert that even if a unity government was established with Hamas, the talks between Olmert and Abbas would continue. Abbas stressed during the meeting that any government founded in the Palestinian Authority would be committed to past agreements......"

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