Sunday, March 25, 2007

Slam the Door in Her Face

"Bethlehem - Ma'an - The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) considers the tours of the United States Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, in the region to be "unproductive as they have failed to end the suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israeli occupation."

A statement issued by the PFLP stated "American diplomacy in the region before the Arab Summit is an attempt to mislead and deceive."

A spokesman of the PFLP said in the statement that the tour aims to serve the American and the Israeli policies which are facing failure in the region. The spokesman pointed out the failure of US foreign policy in Iraq and in Lebanon, Iran and Palestine.

The statement warns of "attempts to blackmail or exert pressure, practiced by the Israeli and American administrations." It also warns of the "Israeli and American attempts to drag the area into a fierce war, as well as attempts to make Palestinians abandon their rights in their lands including the United Nations Resolution 194 regarding the right of return."

In his statement the spokesman called on the Arab leaders to "stop freely making concessions or counting on the American and Israeli insincere promises which aim to weaken the Arabs."

Islamic Jihad called for Palestinians to "slam the door to Palestine in Condoleezza Rice's face." Islamic Jihad said the US Secretary of State is unwelcome, "especially because her tour is coming ahead the Arab Summit."

The movement stated that "she aims to exert more pressure on the Arab states and is trying to divide the Arabs into extremists and moderates. She is trying to make amendments to the Arab initiative."

The statement issued by Islamic Jihad said "any amendments in this regard will be at the expense of Palestinian rights through omitting the right to return and through giving the Israeli settlements legality and abandoning the Palestinian right to Jerusalem."

The movement warned against the tours made by the American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and said that "she doesn’t come to the region with something positive, she only ever comes to serve the American-Israeli interests and plans for the region". "

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