Monday, March 12, 2007

Upon Israel's Complaints Egypt Gasses Palestinians to Death

Egypt puts Gaza tunnels out of commission

The Australian

"FOR almost 36 hours from last Monday, eight Palestinian soldiers dug frantically through the soil of Gaza's southernmost border for a team of smugglers trapped underground.

When they reached the three lifeless bodies at sunset the following day, the soldiers noticed strange discolouration around their lips. They had not suffocated but been gassed.

Amid repeated complaints from Israel about the tunnels, which sneak under the border to emerge in fields or homes on the Egyptian side, the Egyptian army has resorted to a deadly deterrence. Any tunnel openings they find will be gassed.

Palestinian national security officials estimate there are at least dozens of tunnels in operation, all dug from inside bullet-scarred homes in Rafah, under the security barrier and the Philadelphia corridor that separates Gaza from Egypt. For years, they have been the gateway for smuggling weapons, drugs and other contraband into Gaza......"

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