Saturday, March 31, 2007

U.S. Stooge and Chief Beggar Goes Begging for the Palestinians

Palestinian Hope Held Hostage:
Economic Sanctions are Keeping Palestinians From Building a Life.

by Salam Fayyad

"......The government came together after a bad year for the struggling Palestinian Authority. Our economic difficulties grew much worse during that period, in the aftermath of a free and fair election that brought Hamas to power. Because Hamas’ political platform did not conform to key elements of the peace process, including Palestinian recognition of Israel’s right to exist and a commitment to renounce violence, the international community imposed sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.

Although much of the discussion leading to the formation of the unity government has focused on these two commitments, their validity should not have been much in question. After all, these commitments were made by the Palestine Liberation Organization, the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, in a crystal-clear and binding agreement in 1993, and no Palestinian government has the authority to revoke them. In fact, the unity government’s platform explicitly states that it will honor all PLO agreements, which, to be sure, include these two commitments.

As someone who has long worked for peace and reconciliation with Israel — a peace based on mutual recognition of each people’s rights — I have always subscribed to the PLO’s political program and all the commitments it embodies, including the recognition of Israel’s right to exist and the renunciation of violence. I still do......

We do not aspire to be a beggar nation [The Oslo agreement, which Fayyad still supports, had this as one of its goals: to make the Palestinians totally dependent on European charity and the Israeli economy. Hence, you do not need to aspire, Mr. "finance minister," you are already a beggar non-nation. Enjoy your status as an Indian chief on the reservation.], dependent on the world to feed our people. We have the capacity, education and talent to build a thriving economy and a strong democracy. But we cannot do so while Israel seals our borders and withholds tax revenue it owes us, or while U.S. banking regulations prevent banks from handling government business......."

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