Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Wizards of Hamas Have Finally Figured it Out!

Barhoum: The USA lacks clear vision on the Palestinian issue

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Spokesman of Hamas Movement in Gaza Strip Fawzi Barhoum has scathingly lashed out at the US policy towards the Palestinian people and accused Washington of lack of clear vision on the Palestinian question.

“The failure of the successive US administrations in finding a just solution to the Palestinian question proves that the USA lacks clear vision on the Palestinian question”, Barhoum charged in an exclusive interview with the PIC on Saturday.

He explained that the Palestinian issue is very clear; adding that the Palestinian people simply want to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital......"


Such vision......such insight....
It took the Palestinians only 90 years to develop such a revolutionary theory, give them just 100 more years and Jericho will be liberated.

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