Monday, April 30, 2007

All power to US's shadow army in Iraq

The Democratic "withdrawal" proposal, embedded in the bill passed by the US House and Senate, not only wouldn't withdraw all US forces from Iraq, it does not touch the United States' "shadow army" in that country. These are the tens of thousands of armed private security contractors who fight and work alongside US forces, with some of them earning more than the defense secretary.

By Jeremy Scahill
Asia Times

"The Democratic leadership in the US Congress is once again gearing up for a great sellout on the Iraq war. While the wrangling over the US$124 billion Iraq supplemental spending bill is being headlined in the media as a "showdown" or "war" with the White House, it is hardly that. In plain terms, despite the impassioned sentiments of the anti-war electorate that brought the Democrats to power last November, the congressional leadership has made clear its intention to keep funding the Iraq occupation, even though Senator Harry Reid has declared that "this war is lost"......."

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