Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bishara fears Mossad assassination attempt, Israel to release international arrest request

"Bethlehem – Ma'an – Israeli Member of Knesset, Azmi Bishra, has expressed concerns that he may be assassinated by Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad.

Israeli news sites reported that Bishara told his friends and some journalists "despite my belief that the Israeli Mossad might consider assassinating me, I am not afraid as I am an Arab patriot."

He added "I don’t exclude this possibility but I am not afraid".

Bishara revealed that he has received threats via telephone and email, and said that many Israeli extremists have taken photos of his house, according to Israeli websites.

International arrest request

The Israeli Attorney General completed the accusation list against Bishara in preparation for an international request to arrest him after he fled from Israel.

The request involves nations that have signed an agreement with Israel for the mutual handover of criminals. The agreement will prevent Bishara from visiting many countries including some Arab countries......

Legal sources said that it is expected that Bishara will be sentenced to life imprisonment if he is convicted of contacting Hezbollah......"

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