Saturday, April 7, 2007

"Brother" Abu Mazen Says: "Stop Useless Rockets"

Abbas tells forces to help stop Gaza rocket fire

At graduation ceremony for his presidential guard Palestinian president tells security forces to work diligently to stop anarchy, useless Qassam launching


"Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called on Saturday for his security forces to step up efforts to prevent rockets from being fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip.

At a graduation ceremony for his presidential guard, Abbas was quoted by the official WAFA news agency as saying it was necessary that "all parties work with maximum effort, especially the presidential guard and national security forces, to spread security and safety in the homeland, end security anarchy and stop useless rockets."......"


What the stooge wants is not "security and safety in the homeland" but the security and safety of Israel and its colonies in the West Bank. These are the conditions of Oslo which he agreed to. His "forces" are primarily for this purpose.

Let us keep the "unity" celebrations going to celebrate this graduation of the "presidential guard."

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