Saturday, April 14, 2007

An Example of the Stupidity of the "Unity Government"

Hamad: US discrimination policy reflects clear political confusion

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Dr. Ghazi Hamad, the spokesman of the PA unity government, has scathingly criticized the US attempts to discriminate between the PA presidency institution and the PA government that, he added, aims at spoiling Palestinian national unity.

He also explained that although the decision made by the US Congress to give 60 million dollars to PA security forces attached to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas wasn’t translated yet on the ground, the PA finance ministry is the only party entitled to receive financial aid to the PA.

In a press statement he made to the Quds Press news agency, Hamad also explained, “The US decision is a clear indication that the USA policy in the region is flip-flipping and confused”......"


So, the U.S. is "confused" and "flip-flopping!" However, Hamas and the PA are steadfast, clear and resolute? What kind of gibberish is this?

Instead of facing the key issue, which is how can such a "unity government" allow its "president" to receive aid, arms, financing and training to strengthen his "forces" whose main mission is to protect Israel and to crush Palestinian resistance to any sellout by this traitor Abbas, the spokesman blames the U.S.

Enough mediocrity and empty rhetoric; dissolve this farcical PA now!

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