Sunday, April 22, 2007

From the Geniuses of Fatah

Fatah accuses Israel of using targeted killing to incite violence in last-ditch attempt to destroy Palestinian image

"Ramallah - Ma'an – The Fatah movement has accused Israel of attempting to frustrate Abbas' European tour and destroy the Mecca Agreement.

The movement claimed that Israel is attempting to incite Fatah and Islamic Jihad to retaliate to the targeted assassinations of Palestinians in the north of the West Bank.

In a press release, spokesperson of the Fatah movement, Jamal Nazzal, said that Israel plans to destroy the new public image of Palestinians who are receiving widespread understanding in Europe, especially after the Mecca Agreement.

En route to Rome, accompanying Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, Nazzal stated "the Mecca agreement left the ball in the Israeli court, as the deal clearly calls on Israel to allow Palestinians to build their own state. For this reason Israel is in great need of bomb attacks, in order to accuse the Palestinians of attempting to destroy Israel and make the president's tour of Europe fail."


Nazzal urged the Fatah-affiliated Al Aqsa Brigades to practice restraint in the face of Israeli aggression, in order to deprive Israel of ammunition for a slander campaign against Palestinians.

He also warned the Palestinians to be aware of Israeli 'traps'......."


After 90 years of struggle, is this the best that the Palestinians can come up with? This has gone way beyond embarrassment and mediocrity; this is treason and we have to name it for what it is.

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