Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hamas, Again, Speaking With Two Voices

Hamas: RoR not for sale

"Hamas Movement affirmed on Saturday that the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees (RoR) is a sacred Palestinian constant that no party can compromise or abandon.

Fawzi Barhoum, the Movement’s spokesman in Gaza Strip, affirmed that Hamas had made up its mind and decided long time ago that the RoR is a Palestinian national constant that none has the right to forgo.

The RoR isn’t for sale”, Barhoum emphasized.

Barhoum was apparently reacting to statements uttered by Jordanian monarch Abdullah II suggesting that the RoR could be “financially compensated”.

“We have defended the refugees’ issue with blood and soul over the past decades, and therefore, those precious sacrifices must be crowned with the return of those refugees and not by financially compensating or naturalizing them somewhere else”, asserted Barhoum.

Commenting on the monarch’s statement that Israel and Arab countries are facing “common enemies” in allusion to Hamas, Hizbullah, and Iran; Barhoum underlined that Hamas Movement isn’t in enmity with any state, and that its only enemy is the “Zionist entity”.

He also underlined that Israel is the enemy of the Arab people as it killed many Jordanian, Egyptian, and Syrian nationals in addition to tens of thousands of the Palestinian people.

“We are not here to react to statements here and there as we know where our direction is, and we have a clear national project, and thus, Israel is our only enemy and we fight it for occupying our lands and killing our people”, the Hamas spokesman further underlined.

Moreover, Barhoum called on Arab rulers and governments to carry out their religious and national duties in defense of the sacred Muslim shrines in Palestine and to enhance the steadfastness of the Palestinian people to enable them retrieve their usurped rights.

In a meeting with Israeli Knesset (parliament) speaker Dalia Itzik, Abdullah proposed paying the Palestinian refugees money sums in return for forgoing the RoR, and described Hamas, Iran, and Hizbullah as “common enemies” for Arabs and Israel.

The monarch is scheduled to visit Tel Aviv within a couple of weeks and is expected to deliver a speech in the Knesset during the visit."


A Comment:

This is really pathetic, if this is the best rebuttal Hamas could come up with. Besides repeating worn-out slogans, the statement is inconsistent and makes little sense.

Barhoum said, "Hamas Movement isn’t in enmity with any state," after the puppet king clearly said what most of the Arab puppet rulers would not say publicly. The recent Arab summit, which Habila and Abbas enthusiastically participated in, was primarily to form and solidify the axis of "moderates" to confront what they consider the real enemies (Iran, Hizbullah and Hamas if it does not join the "moderates"). So, it is nonsensical for Hamas to pretend that the reality is different.

After all the betrayal, the participation in the siege of the Palestinians and the eagerness of the Arab regimes to sell the Palestinians out and normalize with Israel, to concentrate on the real enemy (Iran), how can Barhoum make a stupid statement such as calling for "Arab rulers and governments to carry out their religious and national duties in defense of the sacred Muslim shrines in Palestine and to enhance the steadfastness of the Palestinian people to enable them retrieve their usurped rights?" What kind of political witchcraft is this?

The average Palestinian knows that most of the Arab regimes are the enemy, so why does Hamas pretend otherwise? Giving political cover to all of these puppets who will betray the Palestinians is an act of betrayal on the part of Hamas itself.

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