Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hamas Speaking With Two Voices

Hamas condemns meeting of Abbas and Olmert

"Gaza - Ma'an – The Hamas movement criticized the forthcoming meeting of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and described it as contrary to Palestinian interests.

The meeting is to be held on Sunday.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said that the meetings between the two men "will have no positive outcome for the Palestinian people as they discuss only the security issue".

'External agendas'

Barhoum called on Abbas to not submit to what he described as "external agendas". He said "relying on the Americans being fair to our people will not enable us to achieve our interests and our peoples' interests".

The spokesman confirmed that any dealing with the US administration should not be "begging, or considering the American projects which intend to divide us."

At a press conference in Gaza on Saturday Barhoum said "these meetings address the release of the Israeli soldier, without considering the release of the Palestinian prisoners, or the end of the embargo, or Jerusalem or the refugees."......

....He also expressed support for the efforts of Abbas to enable the success of the national project and to garner Arab and international support to make the project successful."

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