Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Israelis with Ahmed Chalabi are building the walls in Iraq

"فريق عمل إسرائيلي يعمل بتنسيق كامل مع لجنة الحشد الشعبي والتي يرئسها احمد الجلبي لتطويق أكثر من خمسين مدينه في العراق بسياج عزل

دار بابل للدراسات والإعلام - الموصل

ـ24 نيسان 2007
Dar Babel for Studies & Information (Mosul) has issued a report (above, in Arabic, April 24, 2007) indicating that work on the "walls" that are now being put up in Iraq have been in preparation for over three months. This project is being headed by Ahmad Al-Chalabi in conjunction with the Israeli company of Zeef Belinsky who has a long track record in ghetto construction, and with Al-Mahdi Army's financing and labor. The document provides sufficient details on the six work locations producing these concrete blocks, for easier targeting."

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