Sunday, April 1, 2007

Latest From Dr. El-Farra in Gaza

poverty and occupation

"The beduin village –north of jabalia refugees camp
Thursday 30th of March 31, 2007

Today I visited the camp of the displaced families of the village , accamppanied by the RC Society crisis intervention team , the team consist of , , 2 community health educators , a psychologist and a social worker , the aim of the visit is to evaluate the social , health and psychological different needs of the displaced families, and to plan the right intervention programme later on ,to support the families and to show solidarity with the community.

I met tens of children , as well as some huminatarian aid organizations , I visited the mobile clinic of the union of health work committees , where tens of children received medical check up,for mainly gastroentritis , upper respiratoty infections as well as cut wounds and trauma symptoms.

A lot of work need to be done for this community of 5000 population , where poverty , is prevelant , and the population suffers as well as most residents of Gaza , when the local councils budgets are scarce ( half of the PA budget comes from Palestinian government tax revenue, that is held by Israel ,) and while the westren embargo continues the local councils warned of anticiptated environmental disasters few days prior to the swege system collapse ,this swege plant that shouldnot be so close to this residential area,those people poverty forced them to be in such slum area , they did not have other choice.

Life continues in my country , occupation, westren sanctions , no law and order , interclashes, ,paralysed national unity government and cruel poverty that affects the whole population , but is too harsh on women and children.

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