Sunday, April 1, 2007

MI chief: Syria, Iran, Hezbollah preparing for war in summer

"Head of Military Intelligence Major General Amos Yadlin said during a government session Sunday that Syria, Iran and the Hezbollah are preparing for war in the summer, and that Israel is closely monitoring the preparations.

According to Yadlin, Military Intelligence estimates that the war will be initiated by the U.S., and that Israel will be involved.

Yadlin said that the preparations by Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are defensive and that they aren't expected to initiate the war.

Yadlin noted that, as in the case of the six-day war, military conflict could erupt, despite that fact that neither side is interested in war, because of "the involvement of many players."

Regarding Hamas, Yadlin said that Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has warned that if the international financial embargo on Gaza is not lifted within three months, a third Intifada will breakout. Yadlin added that there are senior Hamas members that are displeased with the Saudi Arabian initiative, and that the military branch of Hamas has renewed its activity."

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