Sunday, April 22, 2007

More Hot Air From Hamas

Hamas urges Palestinians to be ready to confront Israeli forces

"Gaza - Ma'an – The Hamas movement called for Palestinians to be ready for another round of confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces.

In a press release the spokesman of the Hamas movement, Fawzi Barhoum, said "the blood of our people is not cheap, that is why we urge the Al Qassam Brigades and other resistance factions to act in a united way and abandon their differences. The factions must use all means to retaliate to the Israeli massacres in a way that satisfies the Palestinians, especially the families of martyrs, prisoners and the Mujahideen [fighters]."

Barhoum called on Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to stop all the meetings with Israeli leaders and to remain on the Palestinians' side, with the resistance.


He also called for the government and the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) and other Palestinian establishments to strengthen the Palestinian people's steadfastness, to strengthen the internal front and support resistance in all available ways.

Barhoum called on the Arab and Islamic world on both official and personal levels to "ensure the necessary financial, political and moral support, and not to be deceived by Israeli lies." He said. "This enemy knows nothing except the language of force and resistance".

Barhoum also said "the occupation with the support of the American administration is trying to make Palestinians concede and abandon their rights in Palestine, Jerusalem, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the right to return." "


I hate to repeat myself, but these Hamas declarations are best described by the common Palestinian expression, "fart on a tile floor (thrat 'ala al-balat)".

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