Saturday, April 28, 2007

The PA is Israel's Hire-a-Cop

US Administration presents model for peace: "freedom of movement in return for security"

"Bethlehem - Ma'an – the Israeli daily newspaper, Haaretz, has reported that the American administration has presented model "examinations of implementation" to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. These models contain what is required to be implemented by each party, in accordance with a specific timetable, endorsed by Washington.

In the heart of the new plan, which Washington has dubbed "freedom of movement in return for security" is the requirement that Israel facilitates and expands the freedom of movement for Palestinians at the Gaza Strip crossings, in addition to the removal of a number of military checkpoints deployed in the West Bank. This is to be implemented in return for the completion of the reorganization of the Palestinian security forces affiliated to President Abbas.

The newspaper added that the American ambassador to Israel, and the United States' Security Coordinator delivered these reports to the office of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

It is expected that the coming week will see wide-ranging discussions taking place over the American document and the possible Israeli response to it.

The newspaper also stated that, last week, the United States had offered the Palestinian Authority "concrete steps" that should be implemented in preparation for a special meeting to be held on Friday between the head of the PLO negotiations department, and an American delegation. It is widely believed that chief negotiator Erekat will give the Palestinian response to the American demands, represented in the necessity that the Palestinian Authority "must fight those who fire rockets, and to work to restore order and stability to the Gaza Strip".

The document entitled "freedom of movement in return for security" was initially prepared in November 2005, and comprises four main points:

1 - The opening of the Karni crossing [the primary import and export crossing]
2 - The reopening of the Rafah crossing [pedestrian transit to/from Egypt] and Kerem Abu-Salem [the entry point for goods from Egypt]
3 - To give the Palestinians in the West Bank "more freedom of movement"
4 – That the Palestinian Authority enforces "necessary security procedures" "



This is why the U.S., with the direction of Keith Dayton, is arming and training Palestinian puppet forces. Iraq is the model: replace Maliki with Abbas, Ramallah's Mouqata'a with Baghdad's Green Zone, the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad with the U.S. Consul in Jerusalem, Iraqi death squads directly under the CIA with Dahlan's death squads, Maliki's puppet forces with Abbas' puppet forces and the picture is complete. Just as in Iraq, Palestinian puppet forces will next be fighting the Palestinian resistance and trying to crush it with complete coordination with Usrael.

The key question is: are the Palestinians up to the challenge, and do they grasp what is being planned for them?

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