Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Palestinians Frustrated With Make Believe "Government"

The deafening silence of the new interior minister - editorial

"Bethlehem – Ma'an - editor in chief - The Palestinian factions chose a new interior minister, former general director of the Sharia courts in Gaza, Mr Hani Qawasmi.

Since then we have witnessed the opening moves of the new unity government, which focuses on two main issues, first is lifting the siege and second, an end to the disorder and lawlessness.

The siege is the issue which the minister of finance is to address and the other issue is the responsibility of Mr Qawasmi.


We have waited for the first week and then the second, we wanted to see the minister say something in a press statement or a speech or a short message or even an oppressive order, but up to this moment he has done nothing.

I do not deny that we are a people who want to see results in a hurry; we want to see the bloodshed ending and to move quickly to the era of law sovereignty.

I do not exaggerate when I say that we are still in the stage of getting to know the new minister, he is not politically known and is not a member of a faction.

We would like to see the minister, to speak to him about our problems, our pain and suffering, we want to talk to him and want him to talk to us.


Since the formation of the unity government, we are waiting for him to express his opinion about what is going on, about what he thinks about the Israeli threats to invade the Gaza Strip, the abduction of Alan Johnston and the launching of projectiles.

We want to see what he thinks about all the killing and daily clashes on the streets of the Gaza Strip, the bombing of internet cafes, the new formation of the new Fatah Special Force and the increase in crime, poverty and drugs-smuggling.

Qawasmi what do you have to say? "


It seems that the "unity celebrations" were for nothing

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