Monday, April 23, 2007

Palestinians: Know Your "Leaders"

PM's political advisor: Haniyeh to embark on extensive tour

In the aftermath of the fury unleashed by the declarations of the puppet king of Jordan to visiting Knesset members and his intent to ignore the right of return, the following story is truly shocking. It shows that Hamas has been totally co-opted and it is now part of the "moderate" camp. For Habila to visit Jordan now and for Ahmad Yousef to praise Jordan and its support is a stab in the back of every Palestinian. Is there any doubt left that Hamas, in reality, has been seriously compromised? What next, Mr. Yousef? Are you making arrangement for Habila to address the Knesset soon? This man (Yousef) is very dangerous and his American ties should not be underestimated.

"Bethlehem - Ma'an – The Palestinian prime minister's political advisor, Ahmad Yousef, has announced that preparations are being made for Haniyeh to go on an extensive tour.

The tour will include many Arab and Asian countries, as well as Jordan, Yousef said. Speaking to the Jordanian daily, al-Ghad, Yousef also said that consultations are ongoing to decide which countries the tour will include. The tour will start at the beginning of next month.

Yousef hailed the role of Jordan in supporting the Palestinian issue and said "the Palestinians welcome any efforts made by the king as long as they take into consideration the Palestinian interests and rights and aim to ease Palestinian suffering."

In a statement made to Ma'an's correspondent in Gaza, Ahmad Yousef denied that Haniyeh will make any visits to any of the European nations, especially in the wake of the ongoing economic embargo imposed on the Palestinians, he said......"

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