Monday, April 30, 2007

R.I.P. "Government of National Unity"

Deputy PM sets three-month expiry date for current government

"Ramallah - Ma'an - Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister 'Azzam Al-Ahmad has warned that the current government may only last a maximum of three months if the international siege on the Palestinian people is not lifted, especially the economic siege.

Al-Ahmad's statements came during a speech to governmental teachers staging a strike in the West Bank city of Ramallah. During the strike, the teachers tried to break into the office of the education ministry in Ramallah.

Al-Ahmad told them that if the siege is not lifted, "We will go and you will too.".....

The teachers demanded "the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority if it does not bear its responsibilities, or leave the choice to the people."......

Early elections?

Earlier there were reports that some Arab and European states are urging Palestinian Authority officials to begin preparing for early Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) elections, to be held in early 2008.

High-level Palestinian sources disclosed in a special statement for "Sama" news agency that Arab and European officials believe that early elections are the only way to guarantee an end to the political and economic siege imposed on the Palestinian people since Hamas won power in PLC elections of 25 January 2006.

The source, who preferred not to disclose his identity, said that there are meetings held at a high level between Palestinian officials and some European and Arabic leaders in order to find a legitimate way to pass a resolution calling for early elections in early 2008.

The source added that some Hamas movement leaders have started calling for stricter positions towards the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people.

The source added that the Arab-European suggestion came after a series of consultations took place between Palestinian officials and Arabs and Europeans, in which the Palestinian reality was studied from all angles, including the effect of Hamas' PLC election victory and the subsequent siege of the Palestinian people. "

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