Monday, April 9, 2007

Support Tenure for Professor Finkelstein; Please Sign Online Petition

(Click on cartoon to enlarge)
We Support A Fair Tenure Process for Dr. Norman Finkelstein

"To: DePaul University
Dennis H. Holtschneider, President, DePaul University
Helmut P. Epp, Provost, DePaul University
and the
Trustees, Deans, Faculty and Students of DePaul University

We are deeply concerned about reports of outside interference into the tenure and promotion case of Dr. Norman Finkelstein, and that as a result he may not be awarded tenure from DePaul University.

One such report is:
Harvard Law Professor Works to Disrupt Tenure Bid of Longtime Nemesis at DePaul U.
By Jennifer Howard, The Chronicle of Higher Education April 5, 2007

We value Dr. Finkelstein's scholarship, his public talks and debates,
and his well-argued, fact-based critiques of issues relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In our opinion, his association with DePaul University has enhanced DePaul University's reputation.

We understand his department has recommended tenure. We will be troubled if Dr. Finkelstein is denied tenure and will be concerned about the integrity of the tenure process at DePaul University.

We support a fair tenure process for Dr. Finkelstein.

Sincerely, "

Click Here to Sign Petition

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