Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Taha MK accuses Israel of targeting all Palestinian leaders inside Israel

"Ramallah - Ma'an - Amid the fierce Israeli campaign against the member of the Israeli Knesset, Azmi Bishara, who is a Palestinian citizen of Israel, another Arab member of the Knesset, Wasil Taha, told Ma'an News Agency that, "We know that there is a programmed campaign planned by the Israeli intelligence and security establishment against the [Palestinian] national movement and its leaders inside Israel."

Speaking to our correspondent in Ramallah, Taha described how the National Democratic Assembly (NDA) and Dr Bishara, like all other parties and national leaders defending the Palestinian citizens' rights, criticize the state of Israel and struggle to make the Israeli state a state for all its citizens and not only for its Jewish citizens. "This trend is annoying the [Israeli] security establishment," Taha said.

Taha added that former Israeli minister of education Shulamit Aloni said previously that the Israeli establishment were preparing all the files needed to accuse Bishara.

Taha also said that the Israeli intelligence agency, the Shin Bet/ Shabak, and the statements they make in regard to the Arab citizens of Israel, reflect the fact that they consider the Arab citizens as more dangerous than a nuclear bomb inside Israel."

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