Monday, April 23, 2007

US, Israel, Lebanon Feb. 14 fail to isolate Hezbollah

Al-Manar Special - Hakam Amhaz - Translated

"23/04/2007 The aim at the popular base of Hezbollah constituted Israel's major objective in its war against Lebanon last summer. This is what the Israeli political and military leadership stated on many occasions, saying that the goal of air raids, bombing civilians and displacing them was to incite them against Hezbollah to isolate it.
However, Israeli massacres failed to achieve its goals. Instead it had opposite results, so Israel brought about a second plan to stop an increase in Hezbollah's popularity. US and Israeli administrations expressed deep concern over Hezbollah's exceptional preparedness to compensate those damaged by the war. In a meeting for the Tel Aviv government, Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz hastened to warn the international community against the dangers of what he termed as the neglect of the direct Iranian interference in rebuilding south Lebanon. He suggested forming a powerful international economic force to stop Iranian money from reaching Hezbollah so as not to further strengthen it in the region. Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres then rushed to Washington for an urgent meeting with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to tell her that Lebanon must be rebuilt by western countries and "moderate" Arab states, but not by Iran.
Despite efforts to materialize this plot, Hezbollah once again dealt a blow to Washington, Tel Aviv and their allies inside and outside Lebanon, when it fulfilled its promise and fully compensated the public. US Under-Secretary of State David Welch had cast doubt on Hezbollah's capability to keep its promise of giving a sum of 12,000 USD to every family whose home was damaged during the war. This frustration prompted the ruling bloc in Lebanon to try to keep face, and made promises of compensations to the Lebanese public. However, the unconstitutional government of Fouad Saniora has so failed to finalize the first phase of its plan, nine months after the end of the war. "

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