Sunday, April 29, 2007

War Pimp Alert: Hizbullah trying to move south of Litani

IDF chief of staff tells cabinet ministers Shiite group attempting to descend to open areas along northern border. 'UNIFIL and the Lebanese army are operating, but the weapon smuggling from Syria to Lebanon continues,' he says

"Hizbullah is only one minister away from influencing the Lebanese government, IDF Chief of Staff Lt-Gen Gabi Ashkenazi said during Sunday's cabinet meeting.

Only one day before the publication of the interim Winograd Commission report, it appears that not much has changed in Lebanon since last summer's war.

"The organization is attempting to descend south of the Litani River, to open areas. UNIFIL and the Lebanese army are operating, but the smuggling of weapons from Syria to Lebanon continues, as there is no effective mechanism controlling the process along the very long border," Ashkenazi told the ministers.

According to the army chief, "If the Lebanese prime minister were strong enough to control the border, he would do it, but he understands the limits to his power and therefore this does not take place." ......"

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