Tuesday, May 29, 2007

10 U.S. Occupation Troops Killed on Monday (Memorial Day) and a Helicopter Shot Down

U.S.: 10 Memorial Day Deaths in Iraq

"Task Force Lightning Soldiers Attacked
Multinational Division – North PAO

TIKRIT, Iraq – Six Task Force Lightning Soldiers were killed when explosions occurred near their vehicles while conducting operations in Diyala Province, Monday.

Three other Soldiers were also wounded in the incident and were taken to a Coalition Forces’ medical treatment facility......"

TIKRIT, Iraq – Two Task Force Lightning Soldiers were killed when a helicopter went down in Diyala Province, May 28. The incident is under investigation.

So far in May 115 U.S. troops have been killed, the most in one month since November 2004 when Fallujah was attacked and destroyed.

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