Friday, May 18, 2007

AMB (Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades): the strife in Gaza is a foreign plan being executed by collaborators

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The fighting in Gaza between Hamas and rogue elements in Fatah was planned beforehand under US supervision and is being executed by mercenaries of the occupation, said the AMB, the armed wing of Fatah.

The Armed Struggle and Right of Return wing in the AMB said in a statement that the aim of the Israeli occupation government is "for us to forget our main aim and get busy with fighting one another through plans supervised by Condoleezza Rice and General Dayton through the Mossad and Shabak and their cohorts who follow blindly."

The group further said that resistance is the only way for unity and liberation stressing that it will fight for homeland, holy places and the right of return and reject those who serve the interests of the US and Israel as people who have no place amongst the Palestinian people.

The group also reminded the people that Israel does not distinguish between the various armed wings and that discord creates a rich environment for the fifth column to mobilize its forces.

The statement further said that the aim of all this chaos is to narrow the horizons of the Palestinian people and force them to submit to the Zionist plans as they clear the way for those [Palestinians] who are ready to compromise."

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