Thursday, May 24, 2007

Amnesty International 2007 report: "Israeli killings of Palestinians increased threefold in 2006"

"Bethlehem - Ma'an - Respected human rights watchdog Amnesty International has released its 2007 annual report, revealing damning evidence against the Israeli authorities.

The report stated that Israel's killings of Palestinians had increased threefold during 2006, that Israeli soldiers and settlers in the occupied West Bank had committed "serious human rights abuses" and that Israel had committed war crimes during their assault upon Lebanon in the summer of 2006.

More than 650 Palestinians, including some 120 children, and 27 Israelis were killed last year, the report said.

The report continued to slam Israel's aggressive policies, stating that soldiers and settlers had committed unlawful killings of Palestinians, "usually with impunity".

The report also condemned the increase in the construction of illegal settlements and roadblocks, "causing a significant deterioration in living conditions for Palestinian inhabitants in the Occupied Territories".

The Amnesty report concluded that Israel had "littered south Lebanon with around a million unexploded cluster bombs which continued to kill and maim civilians after the conflict,” in grave violation of international law.

Israeli forces also appear to have carried out direct attacks on civilian infrastructure intended to inflict a form of collective punishment on Lebanon’s people, in order to induce them and the Lebanese government to turn against Hizbullah.”

Last summer, Israel waged war against Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah's Hezbollah faction across southern Lebanon, resulting in over 1200 Lebanese deaths......."

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