Thursday, May 10, 2007

Arab Normalization with Israel Through the Back Door

Livni, Mubarak agree Arab League delegation to visit Israel on Saudi plan

"Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak agreed during a meeting Thursday in Cairo that a team of Arab League representatives will visit Israel in the coming weeks for talks on the details of the Arab peace initiative, first drafted by Saudi Arabia in 2002, and reaffirmed by the Arab League in March.....

During the two-hour session, Livni and Mubarak discussed the security situation in the Gaza Strip, arms smuggling from Sinai into Gaza through the Rafah crossing, the firing of Qassam rockets and the strengthening of Hamas.

Livni said that "the present situation in Gaza is unacceptable" and emphasized that Israel expects the Arab world to support and legitimize the moderate sides of the Palestinian Authority, so that these moderates will have more political flexibility.

Livni, speaking after talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo earlier on Thursday, said the meeting with the Egyptian and Jordanian foreign ministers would be a historic first between Israel and representatives of the Arab League. "I do believe that the Arab world when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is important. It can support the process, it can give Israel a political horizon and it can help the Palestinians make further progress when it comes to future agreements between Israel and the Palestinians," she said.

She did not mention the territorial demands of Syria and Lebanon or the question of Palestinian refugees, which the Arab states want solved as part of their peace package......"


Here is the plain English translation of what Livni said:

Israel expects Egypt, Jordan and other Arab countries to control and eliminate any Palestinian resistance to the forthcoming settlement that will be imposed on the Palestinians. Usrael expects the Arab puppets to strengthen the Palestinian Karzai and to arm him. The Arab League is going to provide the Arab cover for the imposed final settlement that will go over the heads of the Palestinians since it will abrogate most of the Palestinian rights. In the meantime Israel demands and expects full normalization with all Arab countries represented by the Arab League.

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