Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bahrain preparing for a U.S.-Iran war

"ABU DHABI — Bahrain has reported preparations for a war between Iran and the United States.

Bahraini officials said the Gulf Arab kingdom has been working with Western allies to protect strategic sites from Iranian missile strikes amid any war with the United States. They said Bahrain has been introducing measures to protect against Iranian infiltration and respond rapidly to any missile or insurgency strike.
On April 25, Al Khalifa was quoted as telling the official Bahrain News Agency that the kingdom established a committee to plan for war, Middle East Newsline reported. He said the panel would prepare for emergency supplies and strategic facility protection.

"We at the Interior Ministry have made plans to deal with the possible threats," Bahraini Interior Minister Rashid Bin Abdullah Al Khalifa said.

Al Khalifa said he hoped that Iran would not be attacked. At the same time, the interior minister said Bahrain applied for membership of the International Atomic Energy Agency in an effort to acquire early warning of a nuclear threat.

In late April, Bahrain and the United States conducted the largest emergency response exercise in the Gulf Cooperation Council state. The exercise envisioned an Iranian missile strike on the headquarters of the U.S. Fifth Fleet, which contains about 3,000 sailors and Defense Department staffers.....

Vice President Richard Cheney's trip to the region is meant to reaffirm U.S. commitment to Gulf and Arab security.

Cheney plans to meet UAE President Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Saudi King Abdullah, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah. Officials said the trip was decided in late April amid tension with the Saudi leadership......"

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