Monday, May 21, 2007

Barghouthi: Israel commits war crimes while the world remains silent

"Ramallah - Ma'an - Palestinian information minister, Dr Mustafa Barghouthi, has issued a statement on Monday deeming Israel's incursions in the Gaza Strip "war crimes" against innocent civilians and has said that this cannot be ignored.

Barghouthi said "Israel has given itself the right to kill and destroy everything and target every Palestinian regardless of whether he is a man, a woman or a child."

He also said "Israel has reached an unprecedented degree of arrogance when its army announced that they killed only three Palestinian civilians in the raid on Gaza on Sunday. This implies that three innocent civilians are not important, but this is by itself a recognition by the Israeli army that they have committed the crime of killing the Palestinians."

The minister also said that what is going on in the strip should be stopped by the international community and that Israel's continued killing of Palestinians is due to the "world's silence on the crimes committed by Israelis.""

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